It’s been about a month into this 2nd Quarter and I believe in some ways everyone has been feeling the pressure of school and has been experiencing a sense of burnout. The amount of studying and assignments has definitely been catching up to all of us. As a student in the DP program, I certainly have been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work required thus giving little time for ourselves and personal hobbies we would enjoy as we struggle with managing our time. During the October break, I wanted to find a way to study effectively with maximum productivity and still have time for myself which led me to research two different study techniques which I would like to share with you all. Since the October break, during this 2nd quarter, I have been using these techniques.
- Pomodoro Method
The Pomodoro Method is a popular study technique that has been used for over 20 years, showing its effectiveness. This technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in 1999 and is based on studying in time-intervals. Cirillo named this technique after the timer he used, which looked like a tomato (pomodoro in Italian). Cirillo discovered that breaking down large tasks into smaller tasks (called “pomodoros”) is the most effective way to study.
How it works:
- Decide what you want to study or work on and approximate the time needed to complete it. After which, break it into “pomodoros”.
- Set a timer for 25 minutes and begin studying/working. While in this interval, minimize any distractions and if any distractions pop up in your head, write them down on a piece of paper.
- After the 25 minutes is up, take a short 5-minute break. Make sure to do something relaxing.
- Repeat this process. After you have done 4 pomodoros, take a long break of 30 minutes.
If you finish a task or finish studying before the pomodoro ends, use the remaining time to prepare for the new pomodoro.
This is an effective study technique because we learn best when we are fully engaged in a task; since it can be mentally exhausting, breaks such as these are important. Your brain will be able to absorb all the new information and rest for the new round during the long breaks. This will soon help improve your attention span and focus.
- Eisenhower Matrix
This matrix is a framework designed to help with productivity, prioritization, and time management. President Eisenhower himself developed this concept which helped him face issues as the Attorney-General, then as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces, and eventually as the president of the United States. Author Stephen Covey later popularized this technique with his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.
How it works:
(Will, 2022)
In the first quadrant, you simply put all tasks that are urgent and important and thus require immediate action. In the second quadrant, you put essential tasks that are not urgent so they don’t require immediate action and you simply plan them for a later time. In the third quadrant, you put tasks that are urgent but not important; therefore, you can assign them to someone else. In the last quadrant, you put tasks that are not essential nor urgent hence you can in most cases delete them from your life. For students, its best use is to list all tasks and filter them effectively. This technique is useful as a means of prioritization; it helps you figure out what you should spend your time on.
With these two techniques, you will be able to manage your time effectively and still be able to get the maximum output of productivity. These techniques help you understand when to take breaks and which tasks need the most priority in order to get the most out of your time studying. So far personally, these two techniques have been very effective and they have been quite useful and have helped me a lot in studying during the 2nd Quarter. I hope that these techniques can help you too. However, as a note, these techniques can be super effective but are not for everyone; there are still many study techniques out there that can help you in the future.
Article by Max S. (G11) & Feature Image by Renoa K. (G12)
The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the views of Dragon’s Print and Cebu International School.
Eisenhower Matrix. (2022, March 10).,to%20their%20urgency%20and%20importance.
Study Efficiently Using the Pomodoro Technique. (2022).
Will. (2022). Study Techniques Like the Pomodoro Method (Powerful Alternatives) –
Telkom Jakarta
What productivity methods are recommended for effective studying in the article “In the Know” on Dragonsprint’s website in November 2022?