Just For Fun: Quarantine Challenge!

Just For Fun: Quarantine Challenge!

In light of the recent pandemic, everyone has been encouraged to stay at home. Unfortunately, that means one of the only places we can have fun these days is on social media. But fear not! We can still make our time online worth our while. In keeping with the latest trend, Dragon’s Print would like to present our very own Instagram story quarantine-themed templates!

What to do: These templates will be posted on the official @cisdragons story. Screenshot them and share it to your own story, and tag @cisdragons to be featured in next week’s article! If you don’t have Instagram, you may simply save these templates below, fill them in, and email them to dragonsprint@cis.edu.ph. Have fun!

Disclaimer: Dragon’s Print recommends you complete these templates outside of your school hours. These are meant for fun and not as a replacement for schoolwork.

Let’s start with an entertainment platform that everyone is familiar with. How many movies and TV shows have you watched/binged on Netflix?

Speaking of movies, Studio Ghibli is one of the most celebrated animation studios around the world. Have you watched all of their movies?

Fly yourself off to a distant paradise! Edit yourself with a picture of where you want to go after the pandemic is over.

Dr. Underwood has compiled a list of activities we all can do to make our time online meaningful. Check these activities out, and see how many you can do and enjoy.

Once the quarantine is over, what do you want to do? Share these with your friends and make some plans!

Templates by Karen Y. (Grade 9).

The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the views of Dragon’s Print and Cebu International School.


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