A Perspective on Cultural Diversity

A Perspective on Cultural Diversity

Seven billion people in the world, thousands of languages, and several continents we can simply count with our fingers; yet there is much more in the world to explore! However broad the horizons may be, individuals of different backgrounds and cultures can come together no matter the time and place; this encapsulates cultural diversity. It creates a safe place of acceptance when we express ourselves freely through identity, and helps to develop better interactions between friends and family.

At a point in our lives, we will have been exposed to cultural diversity, such as in our homes, schools, and social groups.. Look around you, and you might be surprised at the variety of cultures that are exhibited in your environment!

As a new student in an international school, I took a moment to recount some recent experiences. Tracing back to when the school year began, I’ve realized that diversity surrounds me and has been around ever since I entered the junior class meeting on the first day. With a click of a button, this mere action has transported me into a new environment full of new faces, giving me the feeling of being one in all places. To this day, I explore local and foreign cultures as I interact with batch mates and we share our perspectives. Most especially, I listen to teachers discuss the IB syllabus coupled with brief stories set in other places. This is a moment of wonder and cultural diversity firsthand! Everyone surely has countless thoughts and a story that shapes their identities.

In class, we delve into cultures by learning about and understanding them. I find it most intriguing that we were able to study a foreign language, such as Spanish and Mandarin. I chose the former because I’ve always dreamed of learning it, and it hits close to home knowing that the Filipino language and Cebuano dialect have traces of Spanish origin. Engaging in a slightly familiar speech may be quite challenging at times, but it is definitely worth the time and effort! I can tell you that it’s beyond fulfilling to learn a language whether at school or during your free time. In the end, learning makes us open-minded individuals and indeed makes us more knowledgeable.

Since this Culture Week has come to a close, International Day awaits us! I feel pure excitement as this will be a new experience for me along with many other students. Most importantly, this celebration will be an opportunity for the school community to learn about countries through history, unique traditions, and even mouthwatering recipes. It will be entertaining to watch the performances through our screens, but we can take our learning experience to another level. We can share cultures, whether through revisiting fun facts or engaging in something that interests us like cooking a meal from a foreign cuisine.

In my eyes, Cultural Week is a catalyst for widening perspectives and breaking barriers for us to keep embracing culture. Our gimmicks will be an inspiration for many, and a celebration of worldly traditions as we immerse ourselves further in cultural diversity. Remember, the world and its wonders are endless, and so is our journey to learn!

Article by Akeisha, M. (Grade 11); Feature image by Marianne, G. (Grade 10)

The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the views of Dragon’s Print and Cebu International School.


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