Quiz and poster by Regina L.; Feature image by Katrina R.
The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the views of Dragon’s Print and Cebu International School.
a Cebu International School Student Publication
Quiz and poster by Regina L.; Feature image by Katrina R.
The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of the author and should not be taken to represent the views of Dragon’s Print and Cebu International School.
Clair Kim
I’m a molave! HAHAHA
Deandra Riveral
YAY! I am a Mahogany 🙂
Russell Scott Greene
No love for Acacia?
Ms. Justine
Whoa, I got Acacia! Looks like I bleed green after all.
House Captain Interview: What Do You Love Most About Your House? – Dragon's Print
[…] three times a year and as students are sorted into their respective houses (take the House Quiz here!), each has the chance to show off their athletic abilities, activity skills and, most importantly, […]